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The Warrior Rose

Through every one of life's battles, let it always be said
the Warrior Rose up to fight again.

This is an Everything Blog.  It's a Mom Blog, a Miscarriage Blog, an Autism Blog, a Service Dog Blog, a Spoonie Blog, a Believer Blog, a Geek Blog, a Survivor Blog, a Warrior Blog, an Imperfect Blog, a Real Life Blog, a Rise Up Blog.
This is The Warrior Rose.

Writer's picturethewarriorrose

Why "The Warrior Rose?"

Happy Sunday evening! Before you get too worried about two posts in as many days, let me assure you, I won't be posting every day. I'm sure neither you nor I has time for that. I was actually going to wait until tomorrow to post this, but, 1) Life gets crazy when the Warrior King heads back to work on Monday morning and 2) I figured “Happy Monday” may be more than a bit of an oxymoron. I hope your weekend had much fewer germs than mine had. ALL of the Little Warriors are sick! There’s a mean cold/flu bug that’s going around and they’ve all got it. That’s ok, though! I’m all about the extra cuddles and very thankful for their abnormal willingness to nap.

Today, I thought I’d put together a quick post to tackle the topic of the name chosen for this little blog, The Warrior Rose. Why that name? To anyone, it could have a few meanings and I quite like all of them. The Warrior Rose could be a flower from a warrior to their love. It could be a Warrior Woman called Rose. It could also mean that, despite being knocked down over and over, The Warrior Rose up again….and, while that slightly romantic side of me likes the other possibilities, THAT view of the blog name is precisely what settled it for me.

You see, in case you haven’t figured this out already, life isn’t a stroll in the park. It’s more like a stroll through a minefield that’s also an active battlefield. Dodge an oncoming projectile and be careful not to step on any suspiciously disturbed dirt. Take a blow from one side and dive to the other, hoping not to hit anything destructive. No, we may not be in a literal war, but, I guarantee you can think of at least a handful of small battles or, at the very least, oncoming enemies at this very moment.

-Special needs parents, got an IEP coming up that you just feel inadequate to handle? -Parents of teens,

hormones (and attitudes) raging at home, leaving you on edge and at a loss? -Pastors and wives, are you overwhelmed with trying to help others that you’re losing yourself? -Those with little ones, are you fighting the urge to lose patience or give up? -Teacher, do you put in hour upon hour and still always feel behind? -Spoonie, are your illnesses burying you so deep that you feel you can never dig your way out? -Does work make you feel like a failure, despite putting your best efforts in day after day? -Has school got you feeling like you’ll never make it through or get a job in your chosen field? -Boss, do you feel the strain of daily operations and feel like you’re losing ground? -Teens, is the drama of middle or high school just beating you up day after day?

That’s okay. Let me say it again. THAT’S OKAY. We ALL feel inadequate from time to time. In fact, In this game of life, we all fail from time to time. I’m a great failure. I can fail at things without even meaning to. Sometimes, I feel like it’s my superpower, but, in reality, it’s just part of being human. What’s important is to rise up from where you’ve fallen. Take a moment, breathe, collect your thoughts, then, get your booty up, wield your sword, and kick life in the butt. You’ve got this. Every single one of us is a warrior in our own way. That's right. You. Are. A. Warrior. Through all of life's battles, ALWAYS let it be said The Warrior Rose up to fight again. After all, no matter how weak the moment may make you feel, you are too strong to stay down.

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